Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the much awaited day... finally came

I have to say that my wedding was actually more than I expected.  I always thought i'd have a good time, and i was even ready for the "inevitable" mishap that comes along with the whole package, but throughout the night i kept coming to the realization that I loved the way everything came together in the end.  I think i was the happiest i have been in a very long time on that very day; I think i kissed everyone that i came across more than once. I was in uber hug & kiss mode.

Suprisingly, I also found that some of my most last-minute throw-together's, things that I had paid the least attention to, actually happened to come together exceptionally well.  One of my favorites being the box of magic markers that I had packed just in case we needed to make a last minute sign or something, and how they helped spark our guest's creative talents when it came time to signing our "guest book" (the guest book was really just a bunch of blank paper that we didn't have time to bind into a book that we realized we would have to do after the wedding).

Another cool thing was our cake topper.  Our friend Sindee helped craft this out of legos!  Funny enough one of our friends brought with him a lego figure that was a mexican guy with a sombrero, which of course we had to use instead of the existing lego groom just because it was so perfect and unexpected.

our other little lego groom is still out there, hanging out.
And of course, i also wasn't expecting to be crowd surfed on my wedding day for the very first time.  But that also happened.  Someone has to have a picture of that somewhere.  haha.  It was fantastic!

So, all in all, i'm very happy that a year's worth of planning ended on such a high note, at least for me.  I couldn't have asked for anything else.


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